Graag nodigen we u uit om via onderstaande button de enquête in te vullen met betrekking tot de invloed van Data Analytics op de groei van bedrijven actief in de energiesector, uitgevoerd door een student aan de KU Leuven. Deze zal verspreid worden over verschillende EU-landen.
Originele email van de uitvoerende student :Dear Participant,I invite you to participate in a research study entitled “Market Innovation with Maturing Energy Data Analytics”. I am enrolled in the Master of International Business Economics and Management at the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium, where I am currently writing my Master’s Thesis. The purpose of the research is to determine the influence of Energy Data Analytics (EDA) on the growth of energy companies and service providers.The enclosed questionnaire has been designed to collect information on the maturity level of Energy Data Analytics in energy companies and service providers. Additionally, it seeks to investigate the perceived or demonstrated benefits of EDA, as well as the influence of regulatory frameworks on the growing potential of data analytics.If you wish to receive feedback on the EDA maturity level of your company please provide your contact data in the beginning of the survey. Otherwise, you can choose to answer anonymously. Please answer the questions thoroughly and to the best of your knowledge. It takes approximately 10 minutes to complete the questionnaire.Your participation in this research project is completely voluntary. All collected information will remain strictly confidential and will be used for the solely purpose of the master thesis.In case you require additional information or have further questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at the email listed below.Thank you very much for your assistance in this research project. START DE ENQUETE